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Mistral Security – XAVER 100

Mistral Security

The Xaver 100 uses micro-power Ultra-Wideband (UWB) pulse radar to penetrate standard buildings. It alerts the user to the presence of life on the other side of the wall with an intuitive graphical user interface. The Xaver 100 is ideal to obtain actionable intelligence in order to breach a wall or barrier to effect a rescue and save lives

  • Detection Range: 8M
  • Size: 7.6″ x 3.2″ x 2″
  • Weight: Less than 1 lb.
  • Operational Time: 3 hours
  • Frequency: 3.1 ? 4 GHZ
  • Probability of False Alarm: Less than 5%
Model Item Number
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Mistral Security


Extrication & Rescue, First Responder


Special Missions