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PAE Mission Solutions – Mission Focused Kits

PAE Mission Support
  • Basic Hook and Line Kit, BHL900-Tactical hook and line kit for basic remote procedures.
  • Evidence Collection Kit, ECK900-Designed as a Company level asset to assist exploitation Teams as an A – Z solution for operations.
  • Hand-Entry, SWAT-Support Kit, HESS1000- Modular tool system specifically designed to provide Bomb Squad personnel with the tools required for counter-IED capabilities in support of tactical operations where hazardous devices meet in extremis
  • Integrated Search Kit, ISK903- Provides Search Teams with the necessary tools and equipment required for gathering evidence, gaining intelligence, and collecting biometric data in any scenario.
  • Search Patrol Kit, SPK900- Provides Search/ TSE teams with a modular, platoon-level asset that is lightweight, robust, and flexible. SPK provides all tools essential for performing search, site exploitation, and even tactical operations.
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PAE Mission Support




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