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Theraworx – Theraworx Bathing System


The Theraworx Bathing System is perfect for the soldier on the go. With 8 towels saturated with the Theraworx patented formulation, it is ideal for the most difficult issues: Field Baths, Skin/barrier protection, Total Hygiene management for the face which is a pathway for infection, Odor control.

The Theraworx patented Spray Formulation offers a “no-touch” approach for wound management. Whether it is a small scrape, or a painful wound, the Theraworx Spray Technology offers a pathway for wound improvement: Stage I and stage II burns, Difficult and puncture, Jock itch, Athlete’s foot.

The Theraworx Foam comes in a 2 oz or 8 oz bottle. This non-flammable technology is easy to transport and has a multitude of applications for the most difficult muscle fatigue and cramping issues. The technology maintains a pH of 4.7, which allows the body to more efficiently transport oxygen throughout all major muscle groups. The ingredient interaction uniquely and naturally creates an anti-inflammatory environment for the muscles in need of assistance. The product quickly penetrates the skin, depositing skin healthy and powerful topical agents that assist the soldier in the most difficult environments

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