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UEC – Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network System (GREENS)


Pushing fuel forward on the modern battlefield is expensive in human, capital equipment, and fuel costs. The GREENS is the first viable solution to replace traditional fuel-fired generators. GREENS collects solar energy and converts that energy to usable power. Excess energy is stored in an array of high density batteries for use when solar is unavailable.

GREENS is a reliable and combat proven hybrid power energy system. It is man-transportable, requires no fuel, operates silently, and is rugged and reliable. The GREENS requires only 20-minutes to set up and there is no required maintenance. The GREENS pays for itself in a matter of months in comparison to normal fueled generator operations which are usually only 40-50% efficient. The GREENS requires no special handling for shipping and the High Efficiency Density Battery System (HEDBS) included in GREENS is UN/DOT Class 9 Certified for air shipment. A single GREENS can provide 24 hours of 300W based on 8 hours of captured sunlight and can provide 1000W at peak. Additionally, as many as 5 GREENS may be networked in parallel to provide a peak of 5000W. The system is modular and scalable to meet the varied needs of the users. GREENS can also accept power from other sources to include vehicles and generators and the GREENS has an Auto Start capability.

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Energy Efficiency, Expeditionary


Combat Support