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Earl Energy – Solider & Marine Portable FlexGen® Battlefield Power System

Earl Energy

Earl Energy’s revolutionary Solider & Marine Portable FlexGen® Battlefield Power System provides our service members reliable, efficient, and mobile power on the battlefield. Our systems tie into any existing military generator in effect hybridizing that system using advanced energy storage and power conversion providing substantial reductions in fuel consumption, maintenance, and emissions. Battlefield-proven results tested with the US Navy SEALs and the US Marine Corps have shown at least 52% reductions in fuel consumption and 80% reductions in generator runtime, allowing us to limit the number of service members we put in harms’ way.

Model Item Number
Solider and Marine Portable FlexGen® Battlefield Power Systems 3kW EE-3KW-MP-FLXGN
Solider and Marine Portable FlexGen® Battlefield Power Systems 5kW EE-5KW-MP-FLXGN
Solider and Marine Portable FlexGen® Battlefield Power Systems 10kW EE-10KW-MP-FLXGN
Solider and Marine Portable FlexGen® Battlefield Power Systems 15kW EE-15KW-MP-FLXGN

Earl Energy


Energy Efficiency, Expeditionary


Combat Support