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Harris GCSD – SSDL

Harris GCSD

The RF300M-DL-(C) Small Secure Data Link (SSDL) is a single-channel, lightweight, multiband, multimode, multimission radio developed for all embedded radio applications. As a result of its small SWaP, the unit easily embeds on small airborne platforms to provide voice, data, video, Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS), and LOS JTRS ad hoc networking.

  • NSA certified to protect information classified Secret and below
  • Lightweight (18 oz.), repackaged, airborne tactical radio based on the AN/PRC-152A Falcon III® series of radios
  • High-speed networked voice, data, and video supported by ANW2 and SRW
  • Remote control and remote zeroization
  • Software Defined Radio (SDR) architecture on platforms ensures product longevity – readily loads updated and new waveforms as they become available
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Harris GCSD


Radios & Accessories, SATCOM
