Saab Barracuda


Multispectral Camouflage &Shade System Solutions

Saab Barracuda LLC (SBLLC) provides superior shade systems for hard sided and soft sided structures. U.S. Government testing documents that Saab Baracuda shades can reduce fuel usage by as much as 22% compared to unshaded structures. When shaded, internal structure temperatures are also dramatically reduced by at least 15° F during the hottest part of the day. Additionally, these shade systems significantly reduce UV damage to soft sided shelters.

Saab Barracuda shades also feature their state-of-the-art multispectral camouflage that is designed, developed, and manufactured to meet the most demanding military requirements. Saab Barracuda camouflage systems defeat a wide range of sensors including visual, near-infrared, thermal infrared, and radar sensors. Camouflage systems can be custom designed to protect personal, vehicles and equipment.