

Trusted worldwide to help military, security and public safety professionals manage, treat and contain explosives and CBRN threats.

For 25 years, NABCO has been a leading provider of explosive and CBRN containment solutions for public safety, security and defense organizations in the U.S. and worldwide. NABCO is proud to be a U.S. manufacturer with a long history providing superior quality products and service to all branches of the US Armed Forces; police departments and military services in more than 25 countries around the world; and over 125 federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in the United States.

With exhaustive testing of CBRNe mitigating and blast/fragmentation containment capabilities, and unparalleled material quality, integrity and performance, NABCO offers unrivaled products in the field of explosive containment including DDESB-Approved Chem/Bio Total Containment Vessels and Reduced Q/D-Rated Explosive Magazines; Suspect Package &Luggage Containment for security checkpoints &in-line systems; Mobile Thermal Treatment Unit with air-pollution control features; the EOD Grabber Pole; and customized training &engineering solutions.